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Artist - Poet - Speaker - Healer

Visions of the Journey


Pamela Madrid

“My passion is creating art that inspires possibility and empowers transformation. The pursuit of purpose is an amazing journey and I invite you to join me as we experience and explore visions of the path. The ordinary becomes extraordinary through color, shape, texture, and form. A visual feast for your eyes, pondering ground for your mind, and nourishment for you heart and spirit.”

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She arrived on the most perfect day... It’s as if I’ve known her all along. Golden halo evokes such brilliance. This feels like the Feminine Imagination upon canvas. Your art is amazing.
— Maura (OR, United States)
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‘Invisible, Translucent or Transparent: Our Choice’ is the title of the painting and the poem accompanying it that I had the great fortune to obtain from Pamela. the first thing I saw was Love, then Angel, then Music, and an explosion of color so magnificent that it took my breath away. As I gaze at this magnificent piece of art, I see so much more each time. I see beauty, and I feel excited and I also feel peace. The entire package that is presented with Pams artwork, the painting, the poem and the grounding stone represent art in its truest form: inspiration. And being inspired is a balm to the soul.
— Laura (CT, United States)
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Pamela’s artwork is top quality, with her talent and her skill made evident in every piece. Her use of color is awe-inspiring. I am honored to have an original piece in my living room and can’t wait to see more!
— Ebony (AZ, United States)
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Pamela Madrid’s artwork is so inspiring! I believe she knew how much I loved New York. I am thrilled to have this hanging in my home. This painting speaks warmly to me each time I walk in the room.

I am so proud of this work Pamela did of my granddaughter. She has captured the essence of her beauty and grace through this work. Our entire family is grateful for this piece, especially Alexi, who shows it to everyone. She is incredibly pleased with the way this represents her. Thank you, Pamela
— Marsha (CA, United States)

I’ve purchased two pieces, and plan to collect more. I appreciate that I can look at these paintings and each time see something new. They are layered with, not only beauty, but meaning, engaging my eyes and my spirit.
— Manuel (AZ, United States)


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