
November 2019: The Healthcare Businesswomen's Association

The Healthcare Businesswomen's Association's mission is gender parity. It is an organization that educates, coaches, mentors, empowers, and connects women in healthcare. I am proud to serve as the Chair of the Southwest Region Executive Council. During this event, I will be speaking on "The Art of Leadership". This will be a hands on event for the participants.

November 2019: American Cancer Society Women Leading the Way to Wellness Event

Proud to support the American Cancer Society’s Women Leading the Way to Wellness event by serving on the planning committee and donating a painting for the event.

October 2019: October Queen Creek Elementary 5th grade

I had the pleasure of doing a mastery art project with the 5th grade TOPS student. They are currently studying the body. What a better way to learn about bones and do art around Halloween than to do a project on the skeletal system! So proud of what the kids accomplished and loved the creativity!

September 2019: Collaboration with the American Society for Pain Management Nursing (ASPMN).

During the ASPMN annual meeting, I will be leading an exercise where all participants will make their mark on a canvas. Once completed, this painting will be donated to the organization for them to utilize in furthering their mission. Also, I have donated a painting for their silent auction. In addition, I will present two sessions, one will be on personal branding and the use of social media and the other about the role of art in nursing practice.

Let’s Collaborate!

Collaboration and connecting the dots runs in my DNA. I love to partner with individuals and organizations that have a mission to make the world a better place for all people! Healthcare, art, children, gender equity, environmental and social justice issues are close to my heart.

Please contact me if you are interested in consulting or collaborating on a project or special event.