“My passion is creating art that inspires possibility and empowers transformation. The pursuit of purpose is an amazing journey and I invite you to join me as we experience and explore visions of the path. The ordinary becomes extraordinary through color, shape, texture, and form. A visual feast for your eyes, pondering ground for your mind, and nourishment for you heart and spirit.”
If you are interested in hand-embellished, gallery-wrapped prints of any of these artworks, please contact Madrid HERE
The Phoenix Rising
Living metaphor
Charcoal ash falling away
Rising from her past
Her gaze fixated
On the destiny called hers
Drawing her upward
Shaped but did not define her
Mistakes, lessons learned
Authentically real
Pretense incinerated
She’s laid herself bare
She knew grace’s touch
Mercy’s road led her to peace
Gratitude filled her
Love brought clarity
Acceptance opened the way
Phoenix is rising
Invitation accepted
Present and living
Color of Love
The color of love
Seen with the eyes of the heart
Undulating light
Unless you open yourself
Engage with the world
Putting fear aside
Allows you to enter in
Feelings abound here
Reds of passion glow
Purples stir contemplation
Yellow speaks to joy
Green sings of new life
Deep blues, depths of peacefulness
Exciting oranges
Love, rich like colors
Captivates our emotions
Holds, and reminds us
Put on your gold crown
Reflect the love within you
Witness its glory
The Heart of Nursing
What is Nursing’s heart?
The thing that drives nurse forward…
I hear it beating
Words cannot capture
Love’s infusing majesty
Depths of compassion
From the womb ‘til death
Nursing’s the witness present
A skilled observer
Gentle is the touch
Soothing the words of comfort
Filled with truthfulness
Nurse sees your deep pain
Pain born of body and mind
Balm of peace applied
Nurse embraces YOU
Nurse sees YOU…hears your heartbeat
Cares without judgement
Nurse feels you’re the gift
Which moves heaven’s love to earth
Both of you are blessed!
Invitation calls
Come and rest from your journey
Enter and find peace
Body, soul, spirit renewed
As peace washes over you
Compassion inhaled
Sanctuary calls
Safety in the midst of storm
Leave fear and worry
Body relaxes
Worry dissolves into trust
Faith replaces fear
Love calls into rest
Enlightening your spirit
Expanding your soul
You embraced the rest
Invitation now fulfilled
You are ready now
Remember this place
Continue on your journey
Share invitation
Peace, the healing balm
Calm amidst the storms of life
Deep inside our soul
Peace within, without
Regardless of circumstance
Infusing our core
Fear, doubt, loneliness
Relentlessly attack Peace
They seek to rob us
But when we are still
We can hear Peace calling us
“I am here, sweet Peace”
We fully embrace
Hearts and minds intertwining
Dancing full of joy
Peace radiates out
From our depths to those around
We become beauty
As the dove, we soar
Spreading the gift, we’ve been given
Singing our love song
Fabric Of Life
It looks so messy
Yet elegantly combines
Making perfect sense
Threads weave old with new
Irregular soft corners
Worn yet familiar
Colors vibrant and dull
Patterns varied dance throughout
Some seen only once
Light dances through dark
Bringing life in troubled times
A sweet sense of hope
She watches over us
In the midst of the weaving
A witness of life
Big impact is made
From the tiniest of touch
Changing everything
We’re making our mark
On the fabric of this life
Beauty emerging
First Step On The Path
Future is open
Possibilities abound
Which path will you choose?
Journeys not unknown
They started with our own birth
Familiar, yet new
First step is hardest
For you must overcome fear
Self-doubt can scream loud
The quiet voice whispers
Choose to live authentically
Listen to your heart
She watches over us
In the midst of deciding
Witness to a life
You know you must step
Onto your destiny’s path
It’s clear in your heart
Bravely, your foot moves
Joy erupts deep in your soul
Your purpose revealed
So much need there is
As the chaotic world swirls
Compassion whispers
In the midst of dark
There is always light that shines
Compassion brings hope
Babies held and loved
Dying are never alone
Sick are comforted
Overwhelmed by life
She touches us and sees us
Speaking love and light
Watching over us
In the midst of circumstance
Witnessing our lives
Embrace and receive
Everything meant for your good
Compassion given
Trust where your path leads
Peace fills your entire being
You become pure love
Lotus Rising
You cannot see it
Until it rises from muck
Unfolding beauty
Symbol of Divine
The expansion of the soul
The lotus rising
Opens with a gentle dance
Purity and grace
Lotus teaches us
Promise of the possible
Of new beginnings
We can rise above
Circumstances fall away
We become beauty
Destiny awaits
Timing to be determined
Patiently we wait
We are the lotus
Rising from the muck
Touched by the Divine
Invisible, Translucent, or Transparent: Our Choice
Each moment we choose
Whether to reveal our true selves
To be seen, or not
There is no “right choice”
Each moment’s a living thing
Fight, flight, hide, or soar
Listen to your heart
Fear or faith, open or closed
Longings to be seen
Invisible me
Hidden and unacknowledged
Weighed on scales of worth
Translucent middle
Showing only part of me
Parts you want to see
Transparent and free
Transformed by lovingkindness
A gift to us both
This moment I choose
I choose to reveal myself
I choose love for us
Non-stop data streams
Information overload
Drama in the news
Where do I stand?
What do friends and family think?
Will I have a job?
Stop the constant churn
I am beyond exhaustion
Overwhelming chaos
You, take a step back
And hear that still small voice say…
Ponder, yes, ponder
She watches over us
In the midst of our moments
Witnessing our lives
Stay quiet, still, and breathe
Ponder your many blessings
Ponder your purpose
Be your unique self
Welcome joy into your being
Ponder that you’re loved
Destiny’s Journey
Created by love
Your destiny awaits you
Go freely, it’s your choice
Listen, she whispers
Your heart jumps with joy and sings
The first step appears
You take a deep breath
Anticipation peaking
Beauty emerges
The journey is now
Each experience is new
Faith is your partner
Foundations are built
Honed by tears’ revelation
Peace envelopes you
You look back and see
Unexpected twists and turns
Grateful is your heart
Freely, you chose well
Living your life with purpose
Creating beauty…love
Seekers they call us
Explorers, journey lovers
What is it we seek?
At times the path’s clear
When not, we sit in waiting
Revelation close
We may seek a sign
To show us which way to go
Unknowing, we sigh
We long for movement
But often fear the wrong step
So we sit, hoping
When you seek, you find
Finding more than you had sought
More important things
Learnings of your heart
New people unknown before
Seeking gives its gifts
Seekers will not stop
Addicted to the calling
Seeking to come home
Wise One
Who is the Wise One?
Some say, “They know everything!”
Or…do they question?
Perhaps, they’re opened?
Their mind to truth, heart to love
Ears that listen well?
Seeker of right who
Values experiences
And diverse thinking
Living compassion
Understanding humanness
Extending much grace
Perhaps the wise lives
Knowing that they are not God
Rather graced by love
Let’s humble ourselves
That we may receive and learn
Of mercy’s fullness
For then we are wise
We are freed from toxic pride
Birthed in child-like faith
Each pilgrim’s journey
Is unique like a snowflake
Open your mind’s eye
Create space to receive grace
Begin with a smile
One step at a time
See each opportune moment
Be fully alive
Freely share your heart
Receive what is before you
Rejoice in love
Difficulty comes
Learn from hard lessons and pain
Compassion will bloom
You’re never alone
Though at times you feel afraid
A witness is there
Your journey is joy
Embrace each step of the way
It’s your path to being
Step Into The Light
We tend to wander
When we do not know our way
…or like adventure
At times we feel lost
Uncertainty surrounds us
A deep dark forest
Familiar vanished
Vulnerable and lonely…
A dim light appears
First a vague image
Then a figure emerges
Bearing the gift…light
She’s luminous
We are not lost or alone
She’s our bright witness
We see clearly now
We hear our destiny’s call
Our purpose made clear
Let the light lead you
For pure love casts out all fear
Be the light you see
Frequency Of Love
We all know of love
It connects us together
Like a golden thread
Deep peace surrounds me
Embraced by love’s infusion
I am opened up
Easily flows from within
Forgiveness given
My heart overflows
I swim in the depths of love
I rise up in joy
She’s always with us
Celebrating love’s embrace
Witness to our souls
Tune into this love
A frequency all can know
Hear the grace filled song
The Alchemist says,
“Become infused with love’s gold…”
Forever transformed
Song of the Sea
Deep calls unto deep
That is the song of the Sea
Rhythms of the wave
Weightlessness calls us
“Leave your burdens on the shore”
Freedom is found here
The Sea brims with life
Creatures serve as our teachers
Graceful is their dance
Wonders lie beneath
That human eyes have not seen
Yet we must protect
She’s their champion
Serving as bridge between us
Calling to our deep
Immerse yourself now
Hear the cry of urgency
Sing the Sea’s sweet song
We are made of Sea
Water and salt bind us close
The Sea’s song is life
Sending You Love
Thinking of you now
As the chaotic world swirls
I send you deep peace
In the midst of dark
There is always light that shines
I send you belly laughs
Where there are sharp edges
See the circles that hold you
I send you wisdom
Overwhelmed by life
Choose to breathe deeply again
I send words of hope
She watches over us
In the midst of circumstance
Witnessing our lives
Embrace and receive
Everything meant for your good
I send you purpose
Trust where your path leads
Joy fills your entire being
I send you pure love
What calls out to you?
What captures your heart, mind, soul?
Is it sweet laughter?
Perhaps a child’s smile?
Better yet, falling in love?
Deep abiding peace?
Hope in the midst of despair?
Bubbling up joy?
What’s the source of these?
Deeper questions lie within
Answers we require
The source is constant
Unchanging in its glory
Emanation’s core
Drawing us closer
Pulling us to truth-filled love
We’re fully embraced
We are drawn but choose
Walk boldly to that we seek
Freedom found in love
The Gathering
The sky burned with color
Sun setting as they gathered
Smiling as they hugged
Some tired by their day
Other invigorated
Glad to be gathered
Two were newly met
All five connected deeply
Bonded by great love
They sat in silence
Dusk settled in around them
Peace surrounded each
After time had passed
The eldest shared his story
Warmth flooded their hearts
Soon all had spoken
Grateful to share these moments
Fully satisfied
Each inwardly changed
As stories and lives had meshed
Their worlds were different
Journeying to life
No-one walks this road alone
Nature surrounds us
Feelings overflow
Wonder propels us forward
Towards our destiny
Lives change instantly
Moments lasting forever
Time stands still…we breathe
Tears sent to cleanse us
Miracles unfold in us
We witness pure love
Humbly we bow down
Yet our hearts raised to heaven
Bright light surrounds us
Silently we’re held
Embraced by a perfect peace
Overwhelming joy
The witness smiling
Knowing that our lives are changed
Transformed by the birth
Childlike innocence
Living present in moments
Embracing wonder
Curious questions
Always wanting to know why
Dreams of what could be
No judgement yet in thinking
Abundant laughter
Mostly of the belly kind
Quick to share their smile
Generous in love
Compassionate in nature
Reaching out to hug
Excited always
To meet a newly found friend
No one a stranger
Oh that we could be
Childlike within our whole being
A wonderful world
Yes, intuition
We are born with the knowing
Deep inside our soul
Its voice whispers
On rare occasions it screams
Our truth will be told
Silenced by fear…doubt
Some make us wonder aloud
Intuition shrinks
But in the quiet
We can hear it calling us
Step into the light
Fear gives way to love
Doubt is cast out by the truth
We walk in freedom
We make space to hear
Knowing swells inside our depths
We act with bravery
New worlds await us
Our trusting is rewarded
Our joyous song sung
Nature’s Walk
Nature calls to us,
“Come be in relationship”
“Walk with me today”
So, I stroll with her
My senses fully alive
Gratitude fills me
Her breeze caresses
Her rays warm me to my core
She sings melodies
I drink her nectar
Tasting her sweetest honey
My taste buds explode!
My eyes are feasting
Colors, shapes, shadows, and light
Rain scents in the air
My soul enveloped
Her generous gift renews
I feel more alive
Nature, I hear you
Your calling to me is strong
I will come running
More Human
Hardened by the world
Walls were built to keep others out
Choices made by fear
Named robot creature
Others shunned and looked away
Reinforcing steel
One day a child came
Having skinned both of her knees
Big tears fell like rain
robot creature saw
Then something inside shifted
robot creature wept
Compassion’s fire lit
Child said, “thank you” and hugged tight
They became fast friends
As humans we share
Common bonds of suffering
Child loves Robot Man
She changed his name and his heart
We need more human
Unlimited Possibilities
Boxes contain us
Categories, tight spaces
Waiting to break free
Stars wait before us
Inviting exploration
No limit for us
Step outside comfort
Bravely seek your great challenge
Rise among the stars
Don’t limit yourself
Expand your vision upward
Like rays of light shine in us
Stars we can reach for
Believe you’re ready
Do not fear the jumping off
Freedom calls to you
Joy will fill your heart
Dare to dream the biggest dream
And watch it come true!
Why are you hiding
What keeps you from revealing?
Are you trapped inside?
Is fear the shackle?
Authenticity, the key?!
Do not be afraid
Wait, I see something
It is moving in the shadow parts
Please let me see you
I will be gentle
Kindness will welcome you out
I do not judge you
I am human to
Filled with flaws and raw places
I’ve learned love can heal
Here, see, I’ll show you
Hold my hand, I will not leave
Emerge into light
We walk together
Just being, truly, being
Finding lasting peace
John Milan Said “Keep Going” I
On a Saturday
John Milan invited me
“Step onto your path”
Laughing, I stepped out
Opening my heart and mind
To the possible
Color and shape formed
Compelled into my own voice
Curious I watched
“Keep Going, believe”
I followed the silver thread
Of the sacred muse
Discouragement came
Feelings dark, fear, and failure
John smiled, “Keep Going”
He knew my journey
Had he walked this way before?
My guess…a strong yes
Compassion and grace
Birthed this kind encourager
John Milan “Kept Going”
I walk my journey
Heart open, creating love
My voice strong and clear
So grateful for John
I will generously share
His words, “Keep Going” …
Be open, “Keep Going”
Embracing your sacred muse
Live your destiny
John Milan Said “Keep Going” II
Today’s a hard one
Discouragement filled me
I need clarity
Frustration boiling
Internal struggles abound
My mind is roiling
John Milan walks in
Greeting me with a big smile
How are you doing?
How do I answer?
With the truth or do I hide?
“Not great”, I whisper
She is the witness
To his generous caring
“Keep going”, he says.
“You can do it, really!”
He encouraged me in truth
John gifted me hope
I let it sink it
We can all be John Milan
When we say, “Keep going!”
John Milan Said “Keep Going” III
I want to give up
Hope’s a distant memory
I feel so very lost
Answers out of reach
Questions everywhere swirling
Why? Why not? Why me?
Miracles happen
Everyday all around us
Open eyes see them
Coincidence? Luck?
Or a wondrous love gift?
I choose the later
She bears witness to
Kind words, sage advice, hugs, smiles
The, “You do belong”
We have a purpose
To be the kind and wise sage
Reminding hope’s here
I let it sink it
We can all be John Milan
When we say, “Keep going!”
John Milan Said “Keep Going” IV
Life filled with layers
Unseen, yet deeply felt
Connecting us all
Connection comes through
Being our authentic selves
Each of us trusting
Freedom brings life
Purpose birthed by being true
Love is the result
Love ripples through us
As in a pond, rippling far
Impact made by being
She witnesses love
Love that transcends time and place
Love that connects us
Love that encircles
Love that shines a light on truth
Truth that you are loved
I let it sink it
We can all be John Milan
When we say, “Keep going!”
Revolution of the Industrial Kind
Revolution calls
“Stand up, change your world today”
A gauntlet thrown down
The “same old” won’t do
We must evolve for better
Change must happen…NOW!
Each age had revolt
Butterflies’ struggles emerged
Chrysalis broken
People transported
Planes, trains, and automobiles
Business exploded
Change accelerates
Genie’s out of the bottle
What is coming next?
Destruction seems near
Unintended consequence
Anxiety reigns
Revolution calls
“Stand up, change your world today”
Will you choose to act?
I see it ahead
Or is it an illusion
I pray it is real
My body’s so tired
My mind’s fully exhausted
My soul is empty
How did I get here?
Look! It is my Oasis!!!
I have found sweet rest
Shade cools the internal fires
Water refreshes dry parts
I return to me
Nourished by beauty
Flowers, fruits, and starry night skies
Grateful tears flow free
She watches and smiles
A witness to renewal
My heart rejoicing
I leave Oasis
To pursue my destiny
Following my path
We need Oasis
Essential to our journey
Oasis brings life
Music and Soul
Lyrics and rhythm
Beat’s power moving bodies
Emotions soaring
Souls kidnapped by sound
Captive of creative call
Joyous bliss surrounds
From the womb ‘til death
Music infiltrates our hearts
A skilled puppeteer
Music is music
Instrumental or vocal
Each genre is a gift
She’s the constant muse
Inspiring music’s soul
Singing to our spirits
Sweet tones intertwine
Mourning dove and mama bear
Desert shifting sands
Embrace the Soul’s sound
As parents a lullaby
Music is magic































